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This gay fight

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Advice to my younger self

I was inspired to write this after watching this video by Mixed Girl Vibe, she is pretty awesome and you can find the video here. So basically I got to thinking about me 10 – 15 years ago and the things I wish I knew. You know how they say what an elder will see siting down, a child can’t see standing up (or something like that). But seriously, I wish I knew most of the things I know now earlier, I woulda saved me a lorry-load of palaver. So younger me, listen up.

  1. When bike man and agbero are fighting, don’t try to mediate. Ever! A girl in that mix is never good, not good at all.
  2. It feels like you are not gonna get over that heartbreak, but see it will pass. You will look back on it 10 years later and laugh out loud that were even attracted to that boy. Dust off your pants and stop moping, when the gentleman that deserves you shows up, you will  glad this boy didn’t stick around.
  3. Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up. You are way too eager to be an adult. FYI, it’s not all that it’s cranked up to be. You think now that your parents are too protective but later you will miss their protection and you will often wish for those days when you had them looking out for you and had all your sisters close by.
  4. In another news, you are sexy like kilode. That you are not stick thin doesn’t change that fact and any boyfriend that tells you your belly is big, punch him in the face and dump his nonsense ass. Cos, guess what, your belly is gonna get so much bigger and you will still be freaking sexy and the man who deserves you is gonna think so too. So appreciate your body, stop hating your body and stop hiding under those ugly clothes.
  5. Michael Jackson isn’t gonna be with us for much longer. He is gonna die at 50 and it’s gonna shock you to your bones. But hey, you’ll get over it. And you’ll find yourself another hero.
  6. Friday 29th September ’07, don’t take a bike. Respect yourself, maintain your chick-ness and call a cab. You won’t look too classy getting carried by your arms and legs and begging those boys to “caaarrrrryyyyyy my bombommm”.
  7. Relax, stop taking everything so seriously. You don’t have to read all the books, you don’t have to attend every single class, you don’t have to obey every single rule…chiiiill out and live a little. Life is what is passing by while you are waiting to graduate and start living it.
  8. Don’t trust a boy just cos he told you (with soulful brown eyes) that you could! Trust is for only those that have earned it, girl please!
  9. Young lady, you can have it all. A good career, husband and kids, be an amazing cook etc. You needn’t sacrifice something for another. You are fierce, as you will find out eventually.
  10. Trust God completely, He really does know the end right from the beginning. You will need to learn to take comfort from Him cos there will be times when that’s the only thing that will be sufficient for the pain.
  11. Life is hard, no matter how hard you try, that fact ain’t gonna change. Roll with the punches, life is gonna give you loads of lemons and you will need to learn how to make various assortment of drinks. Stop worrying so much about life issues, as you are getting out of one, another will come up. They won’t kill you, they won’t even slow you down, I promise.
  12. Young lady, you are gonna be just fine. So, stop worrying so freaking much, God is in your corner.

Irrespective of what I knew then or didn’t know, life has been full and colorful so far. Not only am loving my current location, I am deeply grateful for it.

Posted in change a life, Discipline, peace is a verb, stop over-analyzing

Peace is a verb

I saw this and a light-bulb kinda went off in my head, like ding-ding-ding-guilty! Maayyyybbbe I don’t over-analyze with boys (don’t verify that fact) but oh, I do over-analyze everything in between. I have over-analyzed 2016 already and worried myself to death over it. Recently, I had to make a one-day to and fro trip so I had to catch an early morning flight. Over the days leading to the day of the trip, I constantly stressed out about making it to the airport in time, what if I wake up later than 3am (my mom says my sleeping method is a talent…I will Mayweather Jonah in a competition without breaking a sweat), what if I didn’t wake up late but the cab driver didn’t show up? What if the cab broke down on the way? What if something that looks like coke suddenly materializes in my carry-on (like what the shiznit???!), what if the plane refused to take off (oh, for real?!). I can go on…

For all my stressing out about stuff, what will be will be. And what usually ‘be‘ is that everything always go really well. And for the ones that do not, stressing out over them doesn’t make them better. My very smart big sister often warns me about this attitude, particularly about always depriving myself of fun and good stuff, saving up for ‘rainy days’, only for some other people to swap the money for their rainy days. I often privately have a good laugh at myself over that.

November is here, 2015 is on its way out. This year hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. And thinking about that, I am reminded of this:

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” John 14:27 (NIV)

In the words of Lara George, how can we forget that He is Shalom??? Peace is an action word, over-analyzing the future or the past even, is not gonna change either situations, leave it and move on.